Monday, February 16, 2015

The Incredible FitDesk 2.0

My long awaited FitDesk finally arrived.  My first impression is that I love it, absolutely love it. It is the answer to my fitness dilemma where I am always battling against finding time to write versus finding time to work out. 

After breakfast I got on the bike and began working on emails and some blogging and before I knew it, 90 minutes had passed. Incredible! I can't believe how time flew so quickly. The surprising part was that I still had the energy to keep peddling and working. My only problem? The universal problem that all endurance bicyclists have and that is that one's derrierre gets sore. So I took a half hour break and then I got back on. This time I managed to do another 50 minutes. And even though I wanted to keep going, to keep peddling and working, I had to stop because it became too uncomfortable for my butt. I peddled with a good tension and at the rate of 16mph which is considered moderate - ideal! 

This is good news though, because the FitDesk desk is doing its job. All it will take is continual use and my body will become more accustomed to it. Of that I am certain. Oh and yes, tomorrow I will go and invest in a pair of padded bike shorts. Hopefully in this way I can do up to four or five hours of peddling each day.

So I claim day one as a resounding success and know that the future will be bright with this new fitness gadget. 

Stop by every once in a while and I'll keep updating my progress.  

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